4 min readJul 21, 2021


Tax Consultancy Vienna | Weinhandl & Partner tax consultancy

Tax consultancies are an essential help provider team that helps you correct any tax-related issues, thereby ensuring that the taxpayers comply with the tax rules and regulations. Here we are going to discuss the characteristics of a good and reliable tax consultancy.

  • Provision of a good tax advisor.

It is the work of a good Tax Consultancy ( Steuerberater Wien ) to bring more to the plate. It means that a tax advisor provides directions to the taxpayer, which allows them to enjoy benefits that should be equal to or more than the amount of tax they pay. Also, the tax consultancy should function so that no errors or liabilities occur due to improper calculations and advice. The main aim of a tax consultancy should be to provide maximum satisfaction to the customers along with a sense of relief and safety. The customers should be enthusiastic about how the respective tax consultancy functions and meets up with the promises.

The consultancies mainly develop strategies and policies which help its customers to avoid any mishappenings and losses, not only that. It allows you to manage the time between work and such tax-related works as it reduces the burden by correcting and helping out with all the tasks and procedures while paying taxes. It will help you have more time to yourself, which further allows you to focus on other life matters, like family, work, social life, etc.

  • Helps in the business process.

A business needs to build a strategy beforehand to increase its success rate. It is important because of other companies and highly competitive firms; hence forming a blueprint of planning to approach your goal is essential. This is one of the main reasons why a Steuerberater Wien is necessary, and they help you regarding business administration process, planning, etc. Also, the consultants should be qualified, experienced, and have practiced in dealing with such unfavorable circumstances.

Even if the entrepreneurs are highly experienced, a successive business functions in different layers where each layer has various activities where one of them is financial activities. Hence, it is the work of an experienced tax advisor that will significantly benefit the company.

  • Accounting process.

As discussed before, a business functions in many layers, where one of the layers consists of accounting activities. These accounting activities need to be placed in a synchronized order to use it in the future. The kind of classification required to remember the details needs to follow a specific criterion that the tax consultancy is familiar with. Not only that, a good tax consultancy allows you the service of online accounting too.

  • Provision of payroll.

Payroll can be defined as the amount of salary or wages that a business has to pay in return for the services that the employees provide, usually by the accounting department. The relationship between good tax consultants and the accounting department has already been discussed before. Hence, one can say that a good tax consultancy will eventually result in an excellent and smooth payroll process, which is essential in the business’s functioning as it is one of the significant of the business expenses. Also, one can extract these expenses from the company’s gross income by lowering the amount of tax paid to increase the company’s revenue. It is here where the tax consultancy plays its role. If you are a startup or running a business for a long time, monitoring and determining the changing regulations on employees and payroll taxes can be complicated. Having a consultant in this scenario can help your business greartely. The faster you appoint a consultant, the more streamlined taxes become for you and your business. You can save yourself from a lot of hassle with sorting out your taxes including employee taxes.

Advices related to tax.

A tax consultancy should primarily aim to provide advice regarding new tax laws and policies. Also, it should consist of team members giving valuable information, which in return helps the individuals or the business to make decisions that will benefit them and reduce the present and future tax burden that the company or the individual may face.

Its primary aim is to meet the customers’ expectations and show them all the possibilities in terms of returns and risks. The consultancy function is not just confined within the boundaries of business but also helps in the different stages of life as tax is an essential part of an individual or a company based on which the government functions. So, it not just reduces the tax burden of the individuals or groups but also makes sure that there is a consistent inflow of tax revenue received by the government, which is done by making sure that the taxpayers comply with the tax rules and regulations.

Also read - Outsourcing payroll accounting in Vienna: Is it an excellent alternative to the entrepreneurs?




Written by WeinHandl


Weinhandl is the trustworthy tax advisor and Strategic Management Consultancy, accounting advisor in Vienna, Austria.

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